Fundraiser to be held April 13th for new LRCH Wrestling Facility
Building for the Future

You are cordially invited to attend a Fundraising dinner benefitting the
Little Rock Central High School Wrestling Facility
Thursday April 13th
6:30 Reception
7:00 Dinner
Keynote Speaker Mayor Mark Stodola
Twin City Limousines and Event Center
901 Main Street
Little Rock, AR 72202
Dinner, beer and wine provided
Tickets for $50 and Tax deductible donations can be made on-line through the Tiger Foundation
Be sure to scroll down to the PayPal link and write "Wrestling Building Fund" in the allocation instructions. Also, notate whether this is a donation or ticket purchase
Click here to purchase tickets or donate
or by check payable to the Tiger Foundation Wrestling Building Fund
mailed to:
Central High School C/O Coach Butler
1500 South Park Street
Little Rock, AR 72202